Neurotoxin Injections

Injectable neurotoxins offer a quick, safe, and easy way to reduce the signs of aging and enhance your appearance. At The MAC in Edmond, Oklahoma, we administer cosmetic injections on a regular basis and frequently participate in advanced training opportunities. As a result, our injectors are very experienced in the latest techniques and applications of cosmetic injections.

The neurotoxins we offer at The MAC include:

Jeuveau • Botox • Dysport•Daxxify

How does it work?

Injectable neurotoxins are derived from purified botulinum toxin and cause controlled paralysis of the muscle they are being injected into. Because most wrinkles and lines are caused by the repeat contraction of muscles in the face, inhibiting those movement allows them to fade.


Injectable neurotoxins are a safe and effective way to diminish unwanted facial wrinkles such as frown lines and crow’s feet. In the hands of well-trained injectors, you will have a natural look and a fully expressive, more youthful face after the treatment. You’ll find a comprehensive list of treatable areas below.

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how many units will i need?

The number of units required for your treatment will depend on the areas that are being treated. For wrinkles on the forehead, about 20 to 40 units will be needed; wrinkles around the eye area will require about 6 to 12 units. The number of units needed for your treatment will also depend on the severity of your skin condition. To accurately determine the amount of units you will need, it’s best to schedule a free consultation with our nurse injectors. You can do so anytime by calling or texting us at 405-341-6223.

What is treatment like?

Before your procedure, we will gently cleanse and prep the area to be treated. Be sure to avoid wearing makeup that would be difficult to remove with a gentle wipe or wash. Because the injectable neurotoxin procedure is only mildly uncomfortable, topical numbing is not typically required. However, if you’re interested in having topical numbing, be sure to let us know beforehand so we can add extra time to your appointment.

are neurotoxin injections painful?

Most patients say that neurotoxin injections are mildly uncomfortable, but easy to tolerate without topical numbing. Topical numbing is available if you are concerned about pain during the procedure. With it, the majority of patients state that they do not feel the injections at all.

How soon will I see results?

Generally speaking, regardless of the neurotoxin treatment being used, results can appear in as little as 2 days, but up to 14 days.

What is recovery like?

After your procedure, you will have small “mosquito bites” in the areas of injection. These typically fades within a few minutes to a few hours. We also ask that you do not lie down or take a nap for at least 4 hours after the procedure, as it is important that the neurotoxins settle into the correct place and do not migrate. We will give you in-depth aftercare instructions at your appointment and are always available to answer any questions as needed.

Ideally, patients should have this treatment when they notice the effects of the neurotoxins are beginning to wane. For many patients, this means scheduling regular appointments every 3 to 4 months to maintain optimal results.


Ultimately, the lifespan of your injections will be determined by a few factors, such as how quickly your body breaks down the injectable solution. One of the bigger determining factors is the condition of your skin and the areas where the injections are made.

If you have moderate or severe dynamic wrinkles, your treatment may not last as long as other patients simply because there is more work for the neurotoxins to do. Similarly, injections made on areas of the face that are involved in movement, such as around the mouth, tend to break down more quickly.

Ideally, you should schedule your next appointment when you notice the effects of the neurotoxins are beginning to wane. For many patients, this means scheduling regular appointments every 3 months on average to maintain optimal results.

Am I candidate for neurotoxin injections?

Good candidates include those who are experiencing fine lines or wrinkles and would like to smooth their appearance. Patients who are allergic to botulinum toxin or who are currently pregnant are advised not to receive this treatment

The best way to know if Neurotoxin Injections are right for you is to book a free consultation with one of our nurse injectors. Here, we can discuss your goals and help you determine how and where you can use Neurotoxin Injections to look and feel your best.