
Microneedling is a skin rejuvenation technique in which hundreds of micro-injuries are safely and intentionally created in your skin to stimulate collagen production and cellular rejuvenation. SkinPen’s innovative technology provides an unparalleled level of efficiency and safety, being the only FDA-cleared microneedling device on the market.

As we age, our body’s production of both collagen and elastin decreases. This creates the formation of unwanted wrinkles and fine lines. The goal of the treatment is to generate new collagen and skin tissue that will result in smoother, firmer, and more toned skin.


How does it work?

Through our use of SkinPen, tiny micro-injuries to the dermis are created in the desired treatment area. These tiny micro-injuries to the dermis stimulate your body’s natural production of both collagen and elastin. Aiding in maintaining our skin’s youthful appearance and reducing the signs of aging.

With as few as three quick treatments, you can dramatically reduce the appearance of acne scars, tighten and smooth skin, and trigger natural skin regeneration for a fresh, healthy glow.

What areas can It treat?

SkinPen Microneedling can effectively treat:

• Acne scars
• Surgical scars
• Sun damage
• Fine lines and wrinkles
• Enlarged pores
• Pigmentation
• Stretch marks
• Dull and uneven skin

What are the benefits of microneedling?

While the most well-known benefit of SkinPen Microneedling is its effectiveness in restoring youthful, healthy, and smooth skin, this treatment also comes with several other advantages:

  • Little-to-no downtime, with patients looking back to normal within 24 hours

  • Long-lasting results

  • Virtually painless procedure

  • Cost-effective

  • Can be performed on the face in as little as thirty minutes

  • Works on all skin types

  • Works well in combination with other treatments, such as chemical peels, dermaplaning, and more

When will I see results?

Most patients begin to see results right away, but achieving the incredible results possible with this treatment usually requires a treatment plan of three to six sessions, spaced six weeks apart.

What should I expect after my treatment?

Most important, you should avoid makeup for the first 24 hours. You may experience some mild to moderate redness, stinging, skin flaking, or mild irritation. Most patients leave looking like they have a sunburn. This will dissipate throughout the day. While it’s ideal that you stay out of the sun for the day or two following treatment, no other restrictions are placed on your activities. Most patients will have some light to mild flaking over the next couple of days. The SkinPen system comes with a simple proprietary aftercare system to enhance and complement the procedure, giving your skin the nutrients it needs to heal and restore.

Am I a good candidate for microneedling?

The best way to know if Microneedling is right for you is to book a free consultation with a member of our team. Here, we can discuss your goals and help you determine how and where you can use Microneedling to look and feel your best.